What results can you expect from bariatric surgery?

The most obvious result will be weight loss. Although the amount of weight lost depends on the patient and the procedure chosen, a typical person loses about 70% of his/her excess weight (or 35% of the original weight). Bariatric surgery is a tool to lose weight and it requires your participation to achieve the greatest success.

Many people find that the weight comes off quickly during the first few months after bariatric surgery. However, the pace of weight loss will likely slow down. Don't be discouraged if you're not losing weight as fast as you had hoped. With the right tools, habits, and support, you can get there. Regardless of the procedure you have, you should set realistic goals for yourself, including goals around exercise, weight loss, and food choices. You may not be able to start an exercise regimen immediately and you may not always make the best food choices. That's fine. By having bariatric surgery, you're making a lifelong commitment to your health and establishing a healthy lifestyle takes time.

Bariatric surgery can also greatly reduce or even eliminate chronic ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, and cardiovascular diseases, to quote a few, that are often associated with obesity.

Maybe the best result of bariatric surgery is the new life that you will gain. It will require some discipline and will forever alter your habits, but shedding your extra weight can make you feel better. And when you feel better, you become more active, and new possibilities open before you.